

Work Category


Project Details

BUCK Sandbox is a social account created to promote and showcase experiments created by BUCK staff, pushed to life by Lead Creative Technologist Evan Bohem and Michelle Higa Fox. My job was to work with the Creative Tech team and come up with an identity to host and explain how these experiments came to life.

︎︎︎First things first, create the logo.

We wanted to catapult ourselves into making a logo directly while using code. We gave Tech artists Jules a brief to work within a modular grid, something that would expand and morph, echoing the ethos of this brand.
We worked with Jules Kris (Creative technologist), we briefed them to use the smallest amount of pixels was the way to go so we could work with most clarity using p5.js. This made it easy to manipulate the grid and make it modular. But it wasn’t as readable as we hoped.

We then dove back into design to create our ideal vector logo. Made of squares and stars that can be distorted. We now plugged this new logo with a specific grid back into p5.js and got our expandable logo that can generate a plethora of logo alts.

︎︎︎A home for creations

Once the logo was established - I had to create what the instagram posts and stories look like. Still using the same grid that houses the logo - I created a system that expands and collapses depending on the assets at hand. Seeing that we can’t foresee what an experimental project looked like I needed to accomodate for all types and sizes.

Maintaining the sprites and shape language from the experimentation phase, these now house the asset numbers in order to annotate them in parallel with the in depth explanation in the caption.

Ayla Mortada 2023