
Arab American Heritage Month

Work Category

Design/Creative Technology

Project Details

For Arab American Heritage Month, I was able to create a social campaign to celebrate the month. I chose to collaborate with the creative technology team and create a custom AR Filter, 100% Habibi certified.

︎︎︎Bilingual typeface

This filter need a name and a vibe to it - So I started working on the logo, keeping in mind that I want it to be billingual so I created a custom typeface that mimics the logic of a Kufi font, without making it too obvious that it’s inspired from the arabic written word.

︎︎︎Deli inspired stickers

As someone who’s born in Beirut, but living in America, the instances where I witness arabic is in the deli’s and grocery shops in NYC. With the arabic labels, shipped goods from the area, and retro labels, I decided to create a series of stickers inspired by those products, but keeping a very current twist on it. (Animation by Nicole Pappas - 3D by Mohammad Berkawi)

︎︎︎Creating the filter

We landed on a filter that shows an orbiting typeface in two languages, which portrays the duality of two cultures. Phase 2 of the filter is the Deli stickers that encompass the most humorous aspects of Arabic culture, alternating between 5 different sets of compositions.

Full case study here.

Ayla Mortada 2023